The 2nd SWFC Observatory Sky Marathon
Sat, Oct 20, 2012

The 2nd SWFC Observatory Sky Marathon

Finished Sat, Oct 20, 2012
SWFC Observation Deck
100 Shiji Da Dao, near Dongtai Lu

General Info.


Second time they've done this. Charity run from the base to the top of the SWFC building. That's 100 stories, 2754 stairs, 474 vertical meters. Limited to 500 participants. Register online at www.swfc-observatory.com. 100rmb per person, includes T-shirt, towel etc.

SWFC Observation Deck
100 Shiji Da Dao, near Dongtai Lu
上海环球金融中心, 世纪大道100号, 近东泰路