ShanghaiPRIDE: Pride5 Opening Party
Sat, Jun 15, 2013

ShanghaiPRIDE: Pride5 Opening Party

Finished Sat, Jun 15, 2013
South Bund 22, 6/F, 22 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, near Xin Yong’an Lu

General Info.


Pride starts this week, the fifth time they've done it here in Shanghai. Manhunt and American Apparel are the sponsors. This is the opening party and has DJ Chrisie Edkins playing tunes and a bunch of happy people hanging out and shooting the shit. 50rmb includes a drink.

South Bund 22, 6/F, 22 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, near Xin Yong’an Lu
中山东二路22号, 近新永安路