JUE | Music Presents: Hualun (花伦)
Sat, Mar 8, 2014

JUE | Music Presents: Hualun (花伦)

Finished Sat, Mar 8, 2014
On Stage
A2, Lane 570, Huaihai Xi Lu, near Hongqiao Lu

General Info.


So originally Split Works tried to bring Acid Mothers Temple into town for a JUE festival show, but that proved impossible, so they got Wuhan post-rock outfit Hua Lun to come instead. Their album Asian River came out on Modern Sky, one of China's biggest rock labels, back in 2010. Take a listen to their music over on Douban. 50rmb for students, 70rmb otherwise. Show starts at 9:00pm sharp. Support by Mofei.

On Stage
A2, Lane 570, Huaihai Xi Lu, near Hongqiao Lu
淮海西路570弄A2, 近虹桥