Xing Qi Woooooo Horror Movie Night
Fri, Jun 13, 2014

Xing Qi Woooooo Horror Movie Night

Finished Fri, Jun 13, 2014
The Pearl
471 Zhapu Lu, near Wujin Lu

General Info.


On Friday the 13th, "The beautiful Pearl Theatre will turn back to its roots as a Buddhist Temple, filled with the ghosts of the bodies that were buried beneath it." Heads will roll. They're showing thirteen hours of horror films on a full size movie screen, plus they've got a band and actors in between screenings. 130rmb at the door or get 100rmb pre-sale tickets by calling 138 1759 0613. Films include NIght of the Living Dead (1968), Surpiria (1977), Friday the 13th (1980), and Bride of Frankenstein (1935). Starts at 7pm and goes all night.

The Pearl
471 Zhapu Lu, near Wujin Lu
乍浦路471号, 近武进路