Unordinary Space: Liu Shiyuan, Yin Xiuzhen + Gentucca Bini
Ended on Sun Feb 28, 2016

Unordinary Space: Liu Shiyuan, Yin Xiuzhen + Gentucca Bini

Finished Ended on Sun Feb 28, 2016
Aurora Museum
Aurora Building, 99 Fucheng Lu, near Dongchang Lu

General Info.


Group exhibition Unordinary Space over at Aurora Museum sees three contemporary artists explore ways of connecting architecturally and metaphorically with the institution's annexed (and pretty fabulous) collection of antiquities and cultural artifacts. To that end, you've got site-specific installations by Liu Shiyuan, Yin Xiuzhen, and Gentucca Bini, all divided into three clear chapters: the space as a container, the space as surface, and the space as digital platform. The three artists work across a range of media, all positioned around Yin Xiuzhen's monumental installation, Digestive Cavity, a major highlight of the exhibition. Aimed at re-imagining concepts of craftsmanship and drawing connections between cultures and media, this one is recommended.

Aurora Museum
Aurora Building, 99 Fucheng Lu, near Dongchang Lu
富城路99号震旦大厦, 近东昌路

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