Women's Day
Tue, Mar 8, 2016

Women's Day

Finished Tue, Mar 8, 2016
Bella Napoli (Changle Lu)
946 Changle Lu, near Wulumuqi Lu

General Info.


Bella Napoli's version of Women's Day involves pizza, drinks, and music. Cover is 150rmb with pizza and free-flow Lady Asti. As usual, there's a raffle with prizes from Shanghai Sport, Contesta Rockhair, MT Studio, Casa Pagoda, Sprout Lifestyle, and others. Goes from 7-9pm. Men are welcome too. You can RSVP to lucrezia@bellanapoli-sh.com or call 135 6464 8924.

Bella Napoli (Changle Lu)
946 Changle Lu, near Wulumuqi Lu
长乐路946弄, 近乌鲁木齐路