Easter Wonderland
Sun, Mar 27, 2016

Easter Wonderland

Finished Sun, Mar 27, 2016
Marriott Hongqiao
2270 Hongqiao Lu, near Jianhe Lu

General Info.


Easter at the Marriott Cafe in the Hongqiao Marriott means egg hunting, kids games, and festive decorations. Mutton and ham are brunch mains. Price is 398rmb per person or 158rmb for kids between 1.2-1.4 meters. Kids under 1.2 meters eat for free. To RSVP, you can call 6010 6000 ext. 6657,

Marriott Hongqiao
2270 Hongqiao Lu, near Jianhe Lu
虹桥路2270号 近剑河路