Commune Market #3
Sun, May 29, 2016

Commune Market #3

Finished Sun, May 29, 2016 , 11am-6pm
Porcellino Salumeria Italiana
1/F, Bldg B, 753 Yuyuan Lu, near Jiangsu Lu

General Info.

  • Time: 11am-6pm


Porcellino is hosting a series of "COMMune MARkets" this summer. Their third on Sunday, May 29 will be their largest one yet. More local designers, artists and entrepreneurs are gathered to this great networking opportunity. The market will host music, independent designer labels, bags, jewelry, shoes, specialty organic foods, accessories, home and body products, arts & crafts, wine, craft beer, BBQ, and wholesome food made by Porcellino chefs. Porcellino's brunch will start from 11am to 5pm, with optional free flow with an additional 120rmb. No entry fee to the market.

Porcellino Salumeria Italiana
1/F, Bldg B, 753 Yuyuan Lu, near Jiangsu Lu
愚园路753号B号楼1楼, 近江苏路