S.T.D. 9 Year Halloween Party
Sat, Oct 29, 2016

S.T.D. 9 Year Halloween Party

Finished Sat, Oct 29, 2016 , 10pm
1 Wulumuqi Lu, near Hengshan Lu

General Info.


Not April Fool’s… It’s the yearly S.T.D. Halloween anniversary party and they’ve got a big one lined up for the year two-oh-one-six. The main sonic attraction is ballroom scene and internet music star Le1f, one of the main proponents of LGBQT culture in modern rap. He’s joined by the one, the only, the hardest 17-year-old in rap today, Rich Chigga. Bring your fanny packs. Gonna get siiiiick. Starts 10pm. Tickets are 120rmb on SmartTicket.

1 Wulumuqi Lu, near Hengshan Lu
乌鲁木齐路1号, 近衡山路