Pilates ProWorks Grand Opening Event
Sat, Mar 24, 2018

Pilates ProWorks Grand Opening Event

Finished Sat, Mar 24, 2018 , 2pm
Pike Six
1/F, 1003 Wuding Lu, near Jiaozhou Lu

General Info.


Pilates ProWorks is hosting a Grand Opening, where instructors will be demonstrating on the FitFormer, led by trainer Ellie Houston. There'll also be workshops on nutritions, what to eat before and after workouts, etc. And most importantly drinks, snacks, and a raffle. RSVP to shanghai@pilatesproworks if interested to join, this will also be the last call for found member promotions. Will run from 2-5pm, free entry.

Pike Six
1/F, 1003 Wuding Lu, near Jiaozhou Lu
武定路1003号1楼, 近胶州路