'Storytelling For Good: Build A Career Alined With Your Life Purpose'
Wed, Jul 18, 2018

'Storytelling For Good: Build A Career Alined With Your Life Purpose'

Finished Wed, Jul 18, 2018 , 7pm
Cafe Sambal
Jiashan Market, Block A, No 37, 259 Jiashan Lu, near Jianguo Xi Lu

General Info.


Three guest speakers tell inspiring stories: "Ethel Zhang: How I created my dream job with global adventures and good food; Jonathan Cruysberghs: You don't need to quit you job to take action & follow your dreams!; Cécile Cavoizy: A journey from the corporate to the social entrepreneurship world. They will share with us what drives them, the challenges and the happiness brought by the - not always easy - decisions they had made to follow their heart, find their purpose and do something that matters." Price: Early Bird: 60rmb. At-the-door: 80rmb. Students: 40rmb. 7pm to 9pm.

Cafe Sambal
Jiashan Market, Block A, No 37, 259 Jiashan Lu, near Jianguo Xi Lu
嘉善路259弄37号A栋, 近建国西路