RAS Salon
Wed, Oct 17, 2018

RAS Salon

Finished Wed, Oct 17, 2018 , 7pm
Cafe Sambal
Jiashan Market, Block A, No 37, 259 Jiashan Lu, near Jianguo Xi Lu

General Info.


When we encounter news these days about relations between China and Japan, it is often along fairly depressing lines. It is easy to forget therefore that on a profound cultural and literary level, the relationship between the two nations has been a warmly appreciative one. Nowhere is this more obviously on display than the connection between the two giants of modern Chinese and Japanese literature – Lu Xun and Natsume Soseki, both of whom occupy iconic positions in their nation’s literatures. In this talk, author and critic Damian Flanagan will take you on a thrilling world journey from Baker Street in London to the plains of Manchuria, from a university classroom in Sendai, northern Japan to the streets of Beijing, as we uncover how these two great minds set about revolutionizing world literature. This event is co-sponsored by China Crossroads. Please RSVP to bookings@royalasiaticsociety.org.cn. Nonmembers 100rmb.

Cafe Sambal
Jiashan Market, Block A, No 37, 259 Jiashan Lu, near Jianguo Xi Lu
嘉善路259弄37号A栋, 近建国西路