A Stroll Through Early Shanghai History
Wed, Jan 30, 2019

A Stroll Through Early Shanghai History

Finished Wed, Jan 30, 2019 , 10am
The Press (Hankou Lu)
309 Hankou Lu, near Shandong Lu

General Info.

  • Time: 10am


The walk explores the layers of early Shanghai buried in the People’s Square neighborhood, starting at “Barrier Road”, the 1850s-era western boundary of the British Settlement. Along the way are the former offices of the Shen Pao, Shanghai’s oldest modern-style Chinese-language newspaper; the Lester Hospital; a 19th-century businessman’s hotel; a 1920s movie theatre, and plenty of (rapidly disappearing) lane life. The tour ends at the Shanghai History Museum on People’s Square, for a look at some of the artefacts of this period. RSVP: info@historic-shanghai.com. 150rmb for members or 250rmb otherwise.

The Press (Hankou Lu)
309 Hankou Lu, near Shandong Lu
汉口路309号, 近山东路