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How To Start Off A Meaningful & Impactful Career?

Finished Ended on Sat Dec 7, 2019 , 7pm
Impact Hub Shanghai
3/F, 195 Guangfu Lu, near Wuzhen Lu


1/3 of your life will be spent at work. That’s 90 000 hours of your time. Are you satisfied at the one place where you are spending most of your life? Because unfortunately a study shows that 80% of people are not… And the simple reason is that 80% of people, don’t know WHY they do what they do. They don’t find their job meaningful and impactful, or in other words, fulfilling. Feiy has put together a 6 sessions program to help you reconnect with your true self, kick-off and plan your own purpose journey thanks to different working sessions and interactive workshops with different coaches. 1,000rmb.