Say Yes Halloween Dark Scare: The Unreal World
Sat, Oct 31, 2020

Say Yes Halloween Dark Scare: The Unreal World

Finished Sat, Oct 31, 2020 , 11 pm
Modern Sky Lab (Ruihong Tiandi)
3/F, Ruihong Tiandi, 188 Ruihong Lu, near Tianhong Lu
Presale 100 RMB / door 150 RMB

General Info.

  • Price: Presale 100 RMB / door 150 RMB
  • Time: 11 pm


Say Yes is doing the first Halloween Rave, at a very secret venue inside Modern Sky Lab, with a lineup headlined by 3ASiC- [Live + DJ] / 念子轩- [AV Live] / chuan / Nivla, visuals by 郑文涛. 3ASiC is an electronic musician who studied recording art and sound design in China and the Netherlands. He is also a tech geek who has been writing code since elementary school. 

Modern Sky Lab (Ruihong Tiandi)
3/F, Ruihong Tiandi, 188 Ruihong Lu, near Tianhong Lu
瑞虹路188号3楼, 近天虹路