Turkey Roulade Thanksgiving Family Set
Ended on Thu Nov 26, 2020

Turkey Roulade Thanksgiving Family Set

Finished Ended on Thu Nov 26, 2020 , daily
Hunter Gatherer (Jing'an)
135 Yanping Lu, near Wuding Lu

General Info.


Hunter & Gatherer is offering a Thanksgiving turkey roulade family meal set, which also come with mashed potatoes, gravy, green means with mushroom cream sauce, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. The set is 328rmb and is good for three people. Pre-sale starts at November 20th, pay a 150rmb deposite and have them to-go. Pick-up dates starts from November 23rd to November 26th. 
Meanwhile, they're also offering a Thanksgiving Special plate at 88rmb from November 23rd. 

Hunter Gatherer (Jing'an)
135 Yanping Lu, near Wuding Lu
延平路135号, 近武定路