ChiFan for Charity After Party
Sat, Apr 17, 2021

ChiFan for Charity After Party

Finished Sat, Apr 17, 2021 , 9.30pm
Cotton's (Xinhua Lu)
294 Xinhua Lu, near Dingxi Lu
The ticket for diners is 50rmb, for non-diners is 80rmb

General Info.

  • Price: The ticket for diners is 50rmb, for non-diners is 80rmb
  • Time: 9.30pm


ChiFan for Charity raises funds for the environmental protection non-profit PickUp China. Restaurants donate tables and 100% of the ticket sales are going directly to the charity. After dinner, everyone gets together for an after-party, meeting up with other diners and celebrating with representatives from the charity itself. DJ Tobias Patrick and DJ Suiki will be providing the music. The party starts at 9.30pm, with tickets for dinner 50rmb and non-dinner 80rmb. Scan the QR code to register.

Cotton's (Xinhua Lu)
294 Xinhua Lu, near Dingxi Lu
新华路294号, 近定西路