Pop Art X Caricature
Ended on Sun Feb 27, 2022

Pop Art X Caricature

Finished Ended on Sun Feb 27, 2022 , 2pm/7:30pm
Together Social Club
69 Anhua Lu, near Jiangsu Lu

General Info.

  • Price: 299rmb
  • Time: 2pm/7:30pm
  • Price Assurance: Same price as Local Sites


Using a style inspired by Picasso, Together Hobby Club's teacher Sharon Tang will lead everyone into the world of pop art.

Pop art is art that takes its style and subject matter from popular culture. Anything from cartoon albums to advertisements to TV & movies can be used as inspiration for pop art.

Join THC's 90 minute pop art class and you will:

-Understand a brief history of Pop Art

-Learn how to draw in a caricature style

-Learn and master the skills of drawing side faces and hair lines

-Learn to use the artistic way of caricature to convey your own philosophy of life

-Take away a unique set of caricature art

Together Social Club
69 Anhua Lu, near Jiangsu Lu
安化路69号, 近江苏路