Girls and Boys Britpop Night
Sat, Sep 23, 2023

Girls and Boys Britpop Night

Finished Sat, Sep 23, 2023 , 10pm
Bldg D, 753 Yuyuan Lu, near Zhenning Lu

General Info.

  • Time: 10pm


Specters goes full-on Britpop. Compact Dicks is blowing through all the constant Pulp requests. She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge! That one… whats that one called. “Common” something. Come on down and shake it to the likes on Suede, Menswear, Blur, Pulp, sigh...Oasis...umm… what else. Elastica! Republica! You get the idea. As always, no cover. Starts 10pm.

Bldg D, 753 Yuyuan Lu, near Zhenning Lu
愚园路753号D楼, 近镇宁路