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16 Results
  • Premium

    UP Clinic

    4 locations in Shanghai:

    • UP Clinic Shanghai
    • UP Clinic Shanghai
    • UP Clinic Shanghai
    Orthopedics and rehabilitation center that specializes in the evaluation and treatment of all bone, joint, and sports-related injuries. The international team of doctors and therapists focus on providing conservative and non-surgical solutions,...
    Hospitals & Clinics
    Physical Therapy
    Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
  • Gold


    6 locations in Shanghai:

    400 819 6622
    • Parkway Shanghai
    • Parkway Shanghai
    • Parkway Shanghai
    Parkway is an entirely reliable way to see a doctor or a dentist in Shanghai. No waits, English-speaking, foreign-trained staff operate out of five locations in Shanghai. There's a doctors surgery that's good for all minor ailments and checkups...
    Private Clinics
    Medical Specialists
    Health & Wellbeing
    Hospitals & Clinics
  • True Health Chiropractic

    Yuanshen Sports Center, 1458 Zhangyang Lu, near Yuanshen Lu

    源深体育中心体育场东区一楼, 张杨路1458号, 近源深路

  • ChiroCare

    Room 06, 20/F, Building A, Universal Mansion, 172 Yuyuan Lu, near Huashan Lu

    环球世界大厦A座20层06室 愚园路172号, 近华山路

  • SinoUnited Health

    8 locations in Shanghai:

    SinoUnited Health was founded in 2016. Two distinctions are that this brand of international healthcare was started by physicians, and has since opening, experienced rapid...
    SinoUnited Health Shanghai
    Specialized Clinics
    Private Clinics
    Hospitals & Clinics
  • Parkway Gleneagles Medical & Surgical Center

    4F, Tomorrow Square 389 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Huangpi Bei Lu

    明天广场裙房4楼南侧 南京西路389号, 近黄陂北路

    400 819 6622
    Parkway is an entirely reliable way to see a doctor or a dentist in Shanghai. No waits, English-speaking, foreign-trained staff operate out of five locations in Shanghai. This...
    Parkway Gleneagles Medical & Surgical Center Shanghai
    Hospitals & Clinics
    Mental Wellbeing
  • UP Clinic ( Pudong Qiantan)

    R401A, Qiantan L+Plaza, No. 345 Dongyu Lu, near Yangsi Lu

    东育路 345号前滩L+PLAZA 401A 室, 近杨思路

    6836 7088
    UP Clinic is an expat-friendly clinic that specializes in physical therapy and rehabilitation for sports-related injuries and more. Making it less scary for clients to get...
    UP Clinic ( Pudong Qiantan) Shanghai
    Hospitals & Clinics
    Specialized Health Care
    Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
  • UP Clinic (Gubei)

    3/F, 1078 Gubei Lu, near Huangjingcheng Dao

    古北路1078号3楼, 近黄金城道

    6260 0668
    UP Clinic is an expat-friendly clinic that specializes in physical therapy and rehabilitation for sports-related injuries and more. Making it less scary for clients to get...
    UP Clinic (Gubei) Shanghai
    Hospitals & Clinics
    Specialized Health Care
    Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
  • SinoUnited Health (Huangpu Riverside Clinic)

    Ping An Riverside Finance Center, 3/F, 757 Mengzi Lu, near Longhua Dong Lu

    蒙自路757号3楼, 近龙华东路

    400 186 2116
    SinoUnited Health is in the business of preventing adult disease through diagnosis and non-surgical treatment (for patients aged 14 and up). Here physicians have been trained in...
    SinoUnited Health (Huangpu Riverside Clinic) Shanghai
    Dentists & Dental Care
    Hospitals & Clinics
  • UP Clinic (Jing'an)

    432 Dagu Lu, near Shimen Yi Lu

    大沽路432号, 近石门一路

    6339 2668
    Orthopedics and rehabilitation center that specializes in the evaluation and treatment of all bone, joint, and sports-related injuries. The international team of doctors and...
    UP Clinic (Jing'an) Shanghai
    Hospitals & Clinics
    Physical Therapy
  • St. Michael Hospital

    388 Hongbaoshi Lu, near Gubei Lu

    红宝石路388号, 近古北路

    5155 1858*0 / Emergency: 6270 5300
    St. Michael Hospital opened in 2009 to serve the expat community of Gubei and beyond.  St. Michael Hospital is part of the Asia Pacific Medical (APM) Group, a medical service...
    Obstetrics & Gynecology
    Specialized Health Care
  • Jing Yi Wei Neck & Shoulder Therapy (Siping Lu)

    1/F, 311 Siping Lu, near Ouyang Lu

    四平路311号1楼, 近欧阳路

    5632 1038
    Jing Yi Wei (颈医卫) is a chain of health-care clinics founded in 2015 by a former doctor from Huashan Hospital, providing specialized neck and shoulder massage. They are not...
    Jing Yi Wei Neck & Shoulder Therapy (Siping Lu) Shanghai
    Spa and Massage
    Specialized Health Care
  • Chiropractic Spine Alignment Treatment Center

    Rm1702 West Gate Plaza, 1038 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Jiangning Lu


    6259 3932
    A spinal-care clinic in downtown area with Chiropratic doctor trained in USA who has thirty-eight years experience in USA, Iraq, India, Poland and Jamaica.
    Chiropractic Spine Alignment Treatment Center Shanghai
    Health and Wellness
    Jing'an District
  • Jing Yi Wei Neck & Shoulder Therapy (Qiantan)

    Crystal Plaza Mall, 2/F, 212 Yaoti Lu, near Jiangyao Lu

    耀体路212号北区二层, 近江耀路

    5899 9332
    Jing Yi Wei (颈医卫) is a chain of health-care clinics founded in 2015 by a former doctor from Huashan Hospital, providing specialized neck and shoulder massage. They are not...
    Jing Yi Wei Neck & Shoulder Therapy (Qiantan) Shanghai
    Health & Wellbeing
    Spa and Massage
  • Jing Yi Wei Neck & Shoulder Therapy (Xinchang Lu)

    3/F, 488 Xinchang Lu, near Xinzha Lu

    新昌路488号3楼, 近新闸路

    6346 2778
    Jing Yi Wei (颈医卫) is a chain of health-care clinics founded in 2015 by a former doctor from Huashan Hospital, providing specialized neck and shoulder massage. They are not...
    Jing Yi Wei Neck & Shoulder Therapy (Xinchang Lu) Shanghai
    Spa and Massage
    Specialized Health Care