Chikalicious (Xintiandi)

Desserts | Pastry | Chocolate | Huangpu

Chikalicious (Xintiandi)


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Chikalicious (Xintiandi)

  • No 5, Lane 123 Xingye Lu,
    near Zizhong Lu

    Huangpu District


    Inside: Xintiandi
    10 mins from Xintiandi
    Part of: Chikalicious
    6333 9233
    Daily, 11am-10pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jun 12, 2019
    Originally from New York, this two-floor dessert bar is wholly fixated on that; the sweet stuff. Downstairs is a cafe, serving more casual takes on dessert pairings, like layered crepes cakes with wine, while the upstairs is the main course. In an open-plan dining room where you can watch the chefs work, they serve fixed-price set menus with choices of desserts. Expect light, fruity, interesting combinations, and beautiful plating. It's a wee bit snobbish, and the price reflects the upscale surroundings with set menus at 188rmb (with 10% service charge) for three dessert courses. But if you're in the mood for some desserts that make you feel like a classy, classy person, this is your perch.
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