Wanda Reign on the Bund

Luxury Hotels | Huangpu

Wanda Reign on the Bund

Luxury Hotels

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  • Wanda Reign on the Bund
  • Wanda Reign on the Bund
  • Wanda Reign on the Bund

Wanda Reign on the Bund

Luxury Hotels
  • 538 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu,
    near Fuyou Lu

    Huangpu District


    15 mins from Yuyuan Garden
    Chinese Name: 上海万达瑞华酒店
    5169 7713

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jul 11, 2019
    Property giant Wanda's five-star hotel on The Bund. The exterior design comes from Foster + Partners, the company that did The Gherkin, in London. The building's 193 rooms, are spread among 20 floors and sprinkled with '20s and '30s Shanghai vibes. F&B offerings including an all-day-dining spot called Café Reign, a Chinese restaurant called RIVER DRUNK, a Japanese restaurant called HE, a lobby lounge, and a club for one-percenters called "Club Reign."
  • Venues Inside

    • River Drunk

      5/F, Wanda Reign on the Bund, 538 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, near Longtan Lu

      中山东二路538号上海万达瑞华酒店5层, 近龙潭路

      5368 8882
      River Drunk Shanghai
    • Café Reign

      1/F, Wanda Reign on the Bund, 538 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, near Fuyou Lu

      中山东二路538号上海万达瑞华酒店1层, 近福佑路

      5368 8882
      Café Reign  Shanghai
    • HE Japanese

      5/F, Wanda Reign on the Bund, 538 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, near Fuyou Lu

      中山东二路538号上海万达瑞华酒店5层, 近福佑路

      5368 8853
      HE Japanese Shanghai
    • Ruiku

      21/F, Wanda Reign on the Bund, 538 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, near Longtan Lu

      中山东二路538号上海万达瑞华酒店21楼, 近龙潭路

      5368 8882
      Ruiku is Wanda Reign's rooftop terrace lounge space. True to it's name, it's a real rooftop lounge. You'll find young, fashionable (wealthy-looking) locals buying bottles and...
      Ruiku Shanghai
  • 3

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