Dun Huang Lou (Zhongshan Bei Lu)

Noodles | Putuo

Dun Huang Lou (Zhongshan Bei Lu)

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  • Dun Huang Lou (Zhongshan Bei Lu)
  • Dun Huang Lou (Zhongshan Bei Lu)
  • Dun Huang Lou (Zhongshan Bei Lu)

Dun Huang Lou (Zhongshan Bei Lu)

  • 1-4/F, 2212 Zhongshan Bei Lu,
    near Zhenping Lu

    Putuo District


    3 mins from Zhenping Rd
    Chinese Name: 伊祥·敦煌楼
    5290 4792
    Mon-Fri, 7.30am-2pm, 4.30-9pm
    Sat&Sun, 7.30am-9pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Nov 20, 2020
    Possibly the most authentic Lanzhou la mian shop in the city, given that it's supported and within shouting distance of the Gansu provincial government's Shanghai office. Inside, it's large and busy, and most of the staff are Hui Muslims from Gansu. Notably, the noodles come in various thicknesses (displayed in the glass counter at the cashier), just like they do in Lanzhou.
  • Events & Deals

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