New World Shanghai Hotel

Luxury Hotels | Swimming | Changning

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New World Shanghai Hotel

Luxury Hotels
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel
  • New World Shanghai Hotel

New World Shanghai Hotel

Luxury Hotels
  • 1555 Dingxi Lu,
    near Changning Lu

    Changning District


    4 mins from Zhongshan Park
    Chinese Name: 巴黎春天新世界酒店
    6240 8888
    Outdoor pool opening hours,
    Daily, 7am-9pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jul 5, 2019
    With 558 rooms the New World Hotel is one of the largest in the city. Located in the Changning district it is always a taxi journey away from any of the cities tourist sites, although its proximity to Zhongshan Park makes it ideal for guests looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. For those interested in a spot of shopping, it's a stone's throw from Xinning Shopping Centre, but with ten multifunctional meeting rooms, the hotel is probably better suited to business rather than leisure. This is one of the best options for those who want to stay pretty central and have some space, both in the pool and around it. For all those reasons, it's not cheap: 300rmb a day, 150rmb for kids' price. Half-year memberships are 6000rmb for swimming pool only. The pool's open every day from 7am to 9pm. No health check necessary, but they do ask that you wear a swim cap.
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