Maglev Train

Airports | Transportation Hubs | Train Stations | Pudong

Maglev Train

Transportation Hubs
Train Stations
  • Maglev Train
  • Maglev Train
  • Maglev Train
  • Maglev Train
  • Maglev Train
  • Maglev Train

Maglev Train

Transportation Hubs
Train Stations
  • 2100 Longyang Lu,
    near Baiyang Lu

    Pudong District


    1 mins from Longyang Road
    2890 7777
    Daily, 6.45am-9.40pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Sep 1, 2023
    The Maglev train connects Longyang Lu metro station (Line 2) in the west of Shanghai with Pudong Airport. It's the first commercially operated high-speed magnetic levitation line in the world and is a good way to get to the airport without any risk of traffic jams, but the ride itself can be an experience for train enthusiasts. The train is built to run at a maximum speed of 430km/h - faster than the top speed of any Formula 1 car - and this makes it the fastest commercial train in the world. Unfortunately , since a couple of years, the speed has been reduced to only 300km/h. Trains run every 15-20 minutes. When you get off at Longyang Lu station, be aware that most taxis there are unlicensed, ripping off customers with higher fares. As a rule of thumb, stay away from the dark red-colored taxis (check the taxi section for more information).
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