
Frog hopping

Finished Sat, Jun 9, 2007
Blue Frog (Jinqiao)
Green Sports & Leisure Center, R3-633 Biyun Lu, near Yunshan Lu

General Info.


"Visit all the Frogs in just one night!" The Blue Frog chain are organising a bar shuffle, visiting each of their bars throughout Shanghai. For 200 rmb, load the party bus and set off for a night of free shots, snacks, a Heineken, a Blue-Frog bar shuffle t-shirt and 25rmb drinks all night. Start the night from Blue Frog Jinqiao, or Hongmei and eventually you will be taken back to where you started. 5pm until late. The party bus has limited spaces so reserve your place early if your up for it! Proceeds to benefit Shanghai Sunrise. Tickets can be purchased from any Blue Frog venue.

Blue Frog (Jinqiao)
Green Sports & Leisure Center, R3-633 Biyun Lu, near Yunshan Lu
浦东金桥, 碧云路633号-3, 近云山路