‘Outwitting the Devil’ by Akram Khan Dance Company
Ended on Sun Oct 29, 2023

‘Outwitting the Devil’ by Akram Khan Dance Company

Finished Ended on Sun Oct 29, 2023 , 19:30/14:00
Shanghai International Dance Center
1650 Hongqiao Lu, near Shuicheng Lu

General Info.

  • Price: 180-880rmb
  • Time: 19:30/14:00
  • Price Assurance: Same price as Local Sites


Akram Khan’s new work Outwitting the Devil is inspired by the myth of Gilgamesh. Young Gilgamesh determines to establish his fame and fortify the city of Uruk as a monument to himself. But the killing of Humbaba and destruction of the forest and its animals angers the gods, who punish the young king by taking the life of his beloved Enkidu. Confronted with the truth and sorrow of human mortality, Gilgamesh passes into history, to become a fragment among the broken remnants of human culture and memory. From October 27 to 29, the show is 80 minutes with no intermission.

Shanghai International Dance Center
1650 Hongqiao Lu, near Shuicheng Lu
虹桥路1650号, 近水城路