Culture Matters (Xintiandi Style)

Boutique Shops | Fashion | Shoes | Huangpu

Culture Matters (Xintiandi Style)

Boutique Shops

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Culture Matters (Xintiandi Style)

Boutique Shops
  • 1/F, 245 Madang Lu,
    near Fuxing Zhong Lu

    Huangpu District


    5 mins from Xintiandi
    Part of: Culture Matters
    136 7188 2040
    ID: Feiyue飞跃
    Daily, 10am-10pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Mar 2, 2020
    Also known as CM Feiyue, this chain of sneaker shops is the main retail outlet for the Shanghainese shoe brand that dates back to the 1920s. They've got a long history of being actually kind of all right shoes, a particular favorite among wushu practitioners. The 2,008 Taichi performers wore the classic white Feiyue shoes during the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony. Since 2005, they've also been produced by a (separate, technically legal but unaffiliated) French company (it's complicated), resulting in there being two kinds of Feiyue available in the world. Culture Matters/CM Feiyue sells the Chinese-made kind; thinner soles, more flexible canvas material, in the original black or white, high- or low-ankle versions, as well as some newer, slicker versions. Shoes go for as cheap as 98rmb, up to 500rmb-ish.
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