ORO Tiramisuteca

Desserts | Huangpu

ORO Tiramisuteca

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  • ORO Tiramisuteca

ORO Tiramisuteca

  • 35 Shanxi Nan Lu,
    near Jinxian Lu

    Huangpu District


    10 mins from South Shaanxi Rd
    Chinese Name: 提拉米苏
    5272 5020
    Tue-Sun, noon-7pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jun 12, 2019
    Shanghai's first "tiramisuteca," which are, apparently, a thing in Milan. Designer tiramisu. Designer spaces. More of a design shop, with fancy chairs that look like ladyfingers, a brown marble display case, and packaging made of gold fabric and sashes. The line is tame on weekday afternoons (it’s worse on weekends), with a selection of tiramisus such as the classic and the Mojito at the 40rmb mark. The packaging is top-notch. The tiramisu less so. More in line with the 1920s bakery Red Ruby’s “fresh cream”, so beloved by the Shanghainese, and less classic tiramisu, with its ladyfingers, coffee, and chocolate. Is it wrong? Let’s say it’s heavily localized instead.
  • Events & Deals

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