East China Normal University Zhongshan Bei Lu Campus

Colleges & Universities | Putuo

East China Normal University Zhongshan Bei Lu Campus

Colleges & Universities

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East China Normal University Zhongshan Bei Lu Campus

Colleges & Universities
  • 3683 Zhongshan Bei Lu, near Jinshajiang Lu

    Putuo District

    中山北路3683号, 近金沙江路

    20 mins from Jinshajiang Rd
    Chinese Name: 华东师范大学
    6223 3333
    ID: ECNUsers
    Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Dec 7, 2020
    A large prestigious research university with campuses in Minhang and Putuo, East China Normal University has over 22 schools, colleges, and institutes. ECNU offers doctoral programs in 30 of its first-level disciplines and master’s programs in 37 first-level disciplines, and is authorized to confer 20 professional master’s degrees and doctoral degree in education. It boasts 25 postdoctoral mobile research stations and 83 bachelor’s degree programs.
  • Venues Inside

    • EMLYON Shanghai Campus

      2/F, International Department, East China Normal University, 3663 Zhongshang Bei Lu, near Huaxia Lu


      6260 8160
      EMLYON is a top 5 business school in France that provides MBA, EMBA, Master programs and other courses. They have been cooperating with Shanghai East Normal University since...
  • 4

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      699 Hongfeng Lu,
      near Jinxiu Dong Lu

      红枫路699号, 近锦绣东路

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