GX Cuisine (Shimao Festival City)


GX Cuisine (Shimao Festival City)

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  • GX Cuisine (Shimao Festival City)
  • GX Cuisine (Shimao Festival City)
  • GX Cuisine (Shimao Festival City)
  • GX Cuisine (Shimao Festival City)
  • GX Cuisine (Shimao Festival City)
  • GX Cuisine (Shimao Festival City)

GX Cuisine (Shimao Festival City)

  • 5/F, Shimao Festival City,
    829 Nanjing Dong Lu,
    near Jiujiang Lu


    5 mins from People's Square
    Chinese Name: 桂小厨广西菜(世茂广场)
    5309 8588
    ID: gh_fe43b27c4dad
    Daily, 11am-10pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Feb 21, 2020
    Spicy, fragrant Guangxi food and fun, modern decor in the impressive 5th floor food court of the Bailian Shimao mall. The flavors are unique and combine lots of elements: dry heat, sweet sauces, fried bamboo shoots, and bits of seafood. Their signature fish is definitely worth coming back for. If you've graduated from Sichuan and Hunan and are looking for something different, give this a try. About 100-150rmb per person, without alcohol, or much less if you're just going for a bowl of that famous noodle dish, Luosifen.
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