Asian Bananas

Cultural Clubs | Networking | Culture & Diversity

Asian Bananas

Cultural Clubs
Culture & Diversity

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Asian Bananas

Cultural Clubs
Culture & Diversity
  • Phone: Unknown

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jul 10, 2019
    Asian Bananas in Shanghai is a community that aims to celebrate the unique blend of eastern and western cultures. The majority of their members are of Asian heritage and have spent some part of their lives in a western society. They have a created a supportive forum where members can share their experiences of living in Shanghai through regular face-to-face events and our online chat group. Bunches are organized for members to hang out with each other. Meetup events included: World Cup football night; a beer tasting; bananas in the park (a.k.a. picnic); and strawberry picking at a local farm
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