Rastaco (Yuyuan Lu)

Mexican | Changning

Rastaco (Yuyuan Lu)

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Rastaco (Yuyuan Lu)

  • Bldg D, 753 Yuyuan Lu,
    near Zhenning Lu

    Changning District


    5 mins from Jiangsu Rd
    138 1718 7684
    Fri&Sat, 10.30pm-late

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jul 30, 2019
    Recently reincarnated as a pop-up inside Specters, Rastaco is the bare bones. They do tacos, shots of Patron Silver (30rmb), Dos Equis (20rmb), reggae jams on the stereo (Toots and the Maytals et. al), and that's it. The menu is 8 varieties of taco, cooked by the order on the spot, for 20rmb each. It comes from that hip, boutique-style six-inch flour tortilla taco terrain and takes a spin through Chinese flavor land -- Mongolia Lamb (might be the best one), Soft Boiled Egg, Tuna, Cheese -- along with the standards (Carne Asade, Chicken Fresca, Carnitas, Chorizo, Garlic Shrimp etc.).
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