Cixiu Nunnery

Places of Worship | Tourist Attractions | Huangpu

Cixiu Nunnery

Places of Worship
Tourist Attractions

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  • Cixiu Nunnery
  • Cixiu Nunnery
  • Cixiu Nunnery
  • Cixiu Nunnery
  • Cixiu Nunnery
  • Cixiu Nunnery

Cixiu Nunnery

Places of Worship
Tourist Attractions
  • 15 Zhenling Jie,
    near Fangbang Zhong Lu

    Huangpu District


    10 mins from Yuyuan Garden
    Chinese Name: 慈修庵
    Phone: Unknown
    Daily, 7am-3pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Oct 14, 2020
    Built in year 1870, Ci Xiu Nunnery was once a private monastery and opened to the public around year 1917. There’s also a French-style villa, connecting the main entrance to The Grand Buddha’s Hall. The villa was once the location for Liyuan Society (Liyuan Gong Suo梨园公所), a charity foundation founded in 1905, which purpose was to offer financial help and community support for traditional Liyuan opera singers. Its courtyard is tranquil, amiable, nothing is lofty about its presentation, but there's still a sense of reverence. Ticket is 10rmb, includes three incenses.
  • 5

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