Fa Zang Jiang Temple

Places of Worship | Tourist Attractions | Huangpu

Fa Zang Jiang Temple

Places of Worship
Tourist Attractions

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  • Fa Zang Jiang Temple
  • Fa Zang Jiang Temple
  • Fa Zang Jiang Temple
  • Fa Zang Jiang Temple
  • Fa Zang Jiang Temple

Fa Zang Jiang Temple

Places of Worship
Tourist Attractions
  • 271 Ji'an Lu,
    near Fuxing Zhong Lu

    Huangpu District


    5 mins from Laoximen
    Chinese Name: 法藏讲寺
    Phone: Unknown
    Daily, 8am-4pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Oct 15, 2020
    Built in 1929, Fa Zang Jiang Temple is the only Buddhist monastery that practices Tendai Hokke - the earliest Zen-practicing sector founded in China and widely practiced in Japan since the 9th Century. The major components of the temple are the Grand Shrine Hall and its lecture hall (jiang tang, 讲堂), which is where the temple got its name from (jiang, 讲 ) and is big enough for 600 people. Entrance is 5rmb, cash only.
  • 11

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