Lai Lai Dance Hall

Clubs | LGBTQ | Hongkou

Lai Lai Dance Hall

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  • Lai Lai Dance Hall
  • Lai Lai Dance Hall

Lai Lai Dance Hall

  • 2/F, 235 Anguo Lu,
    near Zhoujiazui Lu

    Hongkou District


    150 2174 7399
    Fri-Sun, 6pm-9pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jun 12, 2019
    In gaydom, this place is a historical landmark for China’s underground, closeted scene. Way up in Hongkou, Lai Lai is a dance hall in a shabbier part of Shanghai. It screams local in every aspect, and is dominated by middle-aged men. Your only drink option here is Qingdao and they aren’t always cold, but people don't come here for drinking. This is an escape, where men enjoy each other’s company dancing to light jazz bits and way-back-when Teresa Teng songs. It's all very innocent in nature, with regular clients helping to break the ice by readily asking newcomers for a dance. You can read more about the place in our feature article.
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      2/F, 291 Fumin Lu,
      near Changle Lu

      富民路291号2楼, 近长乐路

      176 2131 5701


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