Captain Hostel (Fuzhou Lu)

Budget Hotels | Huangpu

Captain Hostel (Fuzhou Lu)

Budget Hotels

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Captain Hostel (Fuzhou Lu)

Budget Hotels
  • 37 Fuzhou Lu,
    near Sichuan Zhong Lu

    Huangpu District


    20 mins from East Nanjing Rd
    6323 5053
    Daily, 5pm-2am

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Feb 21, 2020
    A Shanghai institution, the Captain Hostel offers some serious bang for your Bund. This ship-themed residence, be-speckled with buoys and portholes, is mildly gimmicky but unusually clean for a hostel. If you choose the Sailor Bunks be prepared to share (clean) facilities with your shipmates on the entire floor. Once upon a time, the rooftop housed the Sunshine Bar, perhaps the least expensive watering hole on the Bund, and a Shanghai hidden gem, but it was subsequently rebranded to Captain's Bar and then The Captain.
  • Venues Inside

    • The Captain

      6/F, 37 Fuzhou Lu, near Sichuan Zhong Lu

      福州路37号6楼, 近四川中路

      159 0173 6115
      Hidden on the roof of Captain's Hostel, The Captain sportingly provides a cheaper alternative to some of its neighboring bars along The Bund. Comes with a roof terrace and a...
      The Captain Shanghai
  • 7

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