Books & Roses Festival (Sant Jordi)
Sat, Apr 23, 2016

Books & Roses Festival (Sant Jordi)

Finished Sat, Apr 23, 2016 , 10am-6pm
Jing'an Park
1649 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Huashan Lu

General Info.

  • Time: 10am-6pm


The Catalan holiday Sant Jordi involves men giving their girlfriends and mothers flowers, and the women giving them books in return. Nice. They're celebrating that in Shanghai this Sunday in Jing'an Park and Reel Mall, with an after-party from 7pm at Cabra on Wuding Lu with some live Catalan rumba. They're saying "libraries, bookstores, printing houses and thousands of roses will take over Jing’an Park in a very festive atmosphere" from 10am-6pm. Sounds good.

Jing'an Park
1649 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Huashan Lu
南京西路1649号, 近华山路