Power Tribe: Opening Your Eyes to the Future of Women
Sun, Nov 20, 2016

Power Tribe: Opening Your Eyes to the Future of Women

Finished Sun, Nov 20, 2016 , 12:30pm
naked Hub (Xintiandi)
3/F, Bldg 5, 123 Xingye Lu, near Huangpi Nan Lu

General Info.

  • Time: 12:30pm


LXW, IPWS, GGI, SWLN, WILL, and Chozun come together to present "Power Tribe: Opening Your Eyes to the Future of Women," an event to empower women across a variety of tracks - Lifestyle, entrepreneurship, STEM, F&B. Meet like minded, hang out, and be inspired. 130rmb pre-Sale tickets. 150rmb at the door. All proceeds benefit "Education in Sight" to support eyeglasses for girls in rural China.

naked Hub (Xintiandi)
3/F, Bldg 5, 123 Xingye Lu, near Huangpi Nan Lu
兴业路123弄5号楼3楼, 近黄陂南路