L.A. Pho (K11)

Vietnamese | Sherpa's | Huangpu

L.A. Pho (K11)

  • L.A. Pho (K11)

L.A. Pho (K11)

  • K11 Artmall,
    4/F, 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu,
    near Huangpi Nan Lu

    Huangpu District


    Inside: K11 Art Mall
    5 mins from South Huangpi Road
    Part of: L.A. Pho
    6323 3776
    Daily, 10am-10.30pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jan 20, 2022
    K11 outpost of one of Shanghai's best pho joints. Their menu is huge, with a full selection of Pho with various cuts and combinations of meats, which is exactly what's been missing in Shanghai. The Raw Beef alone has 15 variations. There is no vegetable noodle soup here. Prices range from 42-48, and surprisingly, the owner is from Taiwan. Other dishes are decent, but not extraordinary. You're really coming here for the pho. More about the place in our Pho Quest article. In 2018, it moved from its location on the B2 level to the new food court upstairs on the 4th Floor.
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