KTV | Putuo

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  • Z+ KTV
  • Z+ KTV
  • B1/F, 3300 Zhongshan Bei Lu,
    near Bailan Lu

    Putuo District


    Inside: Global Harbor
    10 mins from Jinshajiang Rd
    Chinese Name: 自由港PLUS
    5272 9697
    ID: -
    Daily, 10am-6am

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Feb 21, 2020
    A dark, gloomy, Gothic-church-like KTV. The place is massive, its hallway – which has gigantic black chandeliers glowing with red flaming lights – goes on forever in the mirrors. Each room is named for an international city: Lisbon, London, Paris etc. A mid-sized room here holds up to right people or 10-12 people in big rooms. They sell three-hour packages and late-night (after 11pm) seven-hour packages, price depending on the day. Three hours in the mid-size room is from 100rmb to 320rmb, and three hours in the big room is from 170rmb to 560rmb. Book in advance.
  • 1

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