Casa Pagoda Flagship Store

Antique | Furniture Shops | Home Goods & Decor | Huangpu

Casa Pagoda Flagship Store

Furniture Shops
Home Goods & Decor

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  • Casa Pagoda Flagship Store
  • Casa Pagoda Flagship Store
  • Casa Pagoda Flagship Store
  • Casa Pagoda Flagship Store
  • Casa Pagoda Flagship Store

Casa Pagoda Flagship Store

Furniture Shops
Home Goods & Decor
  • Tianzifang,
    13-17 Taikang Lu,
    near Sinan Lu

    Huangpu District


    Inside: Tianzi Fang
    5 mins from Dapuqiao
    6466 7521
    Mon-Fri, 10am-8pm
    Sat-Sun, 11am-8pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jun 11, 2019
    Like shopping in an oversized living room, Casa Pagoda offers an eclectic array of goods that don't fit neatly into one overall style. The shop is run by a husband-and-wife team who travel and shop together, gradually building a culturally mixed collection. Their taste encompasses: artificially distressed vintage-look couches, tables, and armoirs; Union Jack tote bags and wall hangings; zebra print wing chairs; hand-blown glass vases, and lots of retro knick-knacks like decoupage ashtrays, complemented by an abundance of accessories. A mix of styles and eras ensures discovering unpredictable designs of seating and furniture, among the large collection of unique memorabilia. Eclectic living indeed.
  • 9

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