Specifically, they're going to be showcasing the Nature category, which shows flora, fauna, and landscapes in their natural state, and the Environment category, which was added in 2018 to document human impact, positive or negative, on the environment. The exhibition includes a variety of visual stories, ranging from pandas in China and poaching in South Africa to stories about trash recycling and innovative agriculture.

And also just a lot of stunning, stunning photos.

There'll be prints on display from the likes of Ami Vitale, Katie Orlinsky and Luca Locatelli from National Geographic, Esther Horvath from the New York Times and Brent Stirton from Getty Images. A single entrance ticket is 20rmb, which you can purchase here. The exhibition is on Tue-Sun from 10am-5pm (last entry at 4.30pm).
Jiushi Art Gallery is at 1 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Yan'an Dong Lu / 中山东一路1号, 近延安东路.