Dialogues with Turner: Evoking the Sublime
Daily until May 10

Dialogues with Turner: Evoking the Sublime

Daily until May 10 , 10am-9pm
Museum of Art Pudong
2777 Binjiang Dadao, near Fenghe Lu

General Info.

  • Price: 100-150rmb
  • Time: 10am-9pm
  • Price Assurance: Same price as Local Sites


MAP, in collaboration with Tate, is proud to present this exhibition, offering an in-depth exploration of the artistic world of Joseph Mallord William Turner, one of the most important painters of the 19th century. This exhibition, the largest of its kind organized by Tate worldwide, opens its Asian debut at the MAP. It features over 100 works, including about 80 original oil paintings and watercolors by Turner, many of which are being shown in China for the first time. Turner, regarded as a national treasure in Britain, bequeathed most of his works to the nation, which are now housed at Tate and considered the gallery's most prized collections. The exhibition also includes works by contemporary artists such as Howard Hodgkin, Cornelia Parker, Jessica Warboys, and John Akomfrah, showcasing Turner's profound influence on later generations of artists.

Museum of Art Pudong
2777 Binjiang Dadao, near Fenghe Lu
滨江大道2777号, 近丰和路

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