China Joy 2012 in Pictures

Cosplay dolls and the pasty, mouth-breathing shut-ins who adore them. China Joy took place over the weekend. Take a photo tour inside...
Last updated: 2015-11-09

All photos by Brandon McGhee

The 10th Digital Entertainment Expo and Conference, better known as China Joy, happened out in Pudong over the weekend. Sponsored by the "Ministry of Education of the P.R. China, the Communist Youth League of China, and China Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation," and several other bureaus with names far too long to list here, China Joy is one of the top three conventions of its kind in the world, and is by far the largest in Asia.

Its mission is to "strengthen domestic game supervision" as well as "lead young people in the healthy use of electronic and online game products, encourage the public to fight against piracy, [and] promote Chinese characteristic digital products in the global respect."

...It's also an opportunity for thousands of young, pasty, sweaty, mouth-breathing shut-ins to see what a real live girl actually looks like.

Surely you didn't miss it. But in case you did, we've got a treasure trove of snaps from the event.

Click here for a slideshow of everything we saw.