Introducing Smash, a Smart, Stylin', Snappy Shop for All Your Special Shanghai Gifts

Celebrate your time in Shanghai with unique gifts inspired by the life, architecture, and culture of this city… or give them to your mum
2023-09-12 17:00:00

From the artists, writers, and creators who call a day job, here comes Smash, a retail shop specializing in well-curated, beautifully designed, unique, and wonderful gifts that stem from our experience of life, architecture, and culture in Shanghai.

We're talking t-shirts, hats, assorted fashion apparel, home products, random curios, interesting mementos, and creative keepsakes — but with an eye to items that are actually aesthetically pleasing, amusing, attractive, arty, and/or worthwhile as souvenirs for people who live here and gifts for people that don't.

(Stuff that doesn't suck, basically. That's the dream.)

We're hoping to offer great gifts and that's pretty much it — for friends, for family back home, and for ourselves, to commemorate and celebrate the time spent in this dynamic city.

How to Buy Smash Products

This is easy. It's super easy to buy things these days. Give us convenience or give us death. Simply, scan the QR Code right here with WeChat to access the English-language shop on the WeChat platform. Or, alternatively, click the Smash icon inside the SmartShanghai app (from October 2023).

Where Do Smash Products Come From

A portion of the products are designed by us, by our in-house staff. In addition to our own line, we serve as a platform for other Shanghai-based designers, creators, and artisans to pedal their wares. We're working with a handpicked group of partner creators who are themselves inspiring us to see the city in interesting ways with their own creations. We're hoping that with access to our audience through our editorial and social media channels, we can get the word out about other people making cool things in the city, and give them an opportunity to get their stuff into the hands of people who might appreciate said stuff.

(Who doesn't like cool stuff, is the reasoning here.)

How Can You Sell Your Cool Stuff Through the Smash Platform

Long story short: Get in touch with us and let us know what you've got!

We work with Shanghai-based partners who design their own products, ideally with specific designs and limited runs. One of the benefits of working with us is that we also give each of our partners exposure on and our social media channels. It's an ideal platform for creators looking to reach a larger audience with their designs but have limited means to do so through traditional advertising and/or a lack of a professional PR side to their operations.

Sound interesting? Get in touch with us over WeChat through this QR Code. We look forward to hearing from you!